Coach Banks
"Coach Banks started the martial arts at a young age in Goju Ryu karate. He wrestled in high school and it was around this time he began Jiu Jitsu under Paul Mazarelle.
In college he continued Jiu Jitsu and in the Air Force he began teaching, while also training in a variety of different arts, including boxing.
In 2006 he opened a small school that eventually became a full MMA gym with professional fighters.
Coach Banks moved to Las Vegas in 2017 and now teaches Mixed Martial Arts and grappling to professional fighters, non-fighters, and teens." at FRAMA Studios Martial Arts gym.
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:15 pm
953 ESahara, Suite A33
LV, NV 89104
Call: (702) 232 6017 for prices on private classes or any more information.