"Wonder M. A. S. H" (Martial Arts Snacks and Homework) after school program was created by Angel Montes de Oca, founder / owner of FRAMA Studios Martial arts in association with Ms Norlys Olema Perez Franco, an arts teacher currently working for South East Career Technical Academy (SECTA), which is part of Clark County School District (CCSD) and one of the best schools in U S.
Our Wonder M. A. S. H. Program offers its participants a complimentary snack, homework assistance and other educational and recreational activities such as Arts & Crafts, Language classes (English and Spanish), Physical exercise and Martial arts. We can also offer classes to help immigrant families intending to get their U S citizenship.
We view arts education, sports and physical exercise as powerful educational tools that can have a very positive effect in the formation of the mental & physical health and character of children and youngsters, This program can provide participants with the following benefits:
A safe, structured and monitored environment.
School Assigned Homework Help/Assistance.
Group and individual classes in martial arts.
A structured play environment.
Improvement and development of participants' well being and health.
"It's easier to build strong children than to repair broken men"
Frederick Douglass